
How It Works:

**PLEASE read these instructions CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY before Candlearing. Use only as directed.

Before Candlearing

Gather all your supplies. Give yourself time to get comfortable and prepare to relax. The experience should take about 30 minutes or so, so don't rush!

Never Candlear Alone!

Candlearing should never be done by yourself. Always have a responsible adult (“the Candler”) assist you. 

Recommended Tools 

These items will make for a safe and successful Candlearing experience:

  • Candlears - a minimum of 4 (2 for each ear) with skewers
  • A safety shield (Candlear ring, damp cloth, or aluminum foil sheet with a small hole in the middle) and a towel
  • Safety matches or lighter
  • Small bowl of water and spray bottle of water
  • Candle snuffer (a shot glass works well)
  • Scissors
  • A medium (8”x8”) aluminum tray (or something like it) lined with damp paper towel

     Safety First, ALWAYS

Watch Our Step by Step Video


1. Prepare the Recipient

Safety is the most important factor in a successful Candlearing experience. Always Candlear in a well ventilated area, free from drafts. DO NOT Candlear if using drugs, alcohol or medications that might make you drowsy.

The Recipient should lie on their side or rest their head comfortably on a pillow while sitting at a table. 

The Candler places the safety shield around the base of the Candlear, covering the hair, ear and hand. 

Use the towel to cover any exposed hair, the shoulders and clothing. The spray bottle is for extra safety.

The Candler lights a Candlear and gently places the tapered end into the ear being candled. The Candlear should be straight up and down and sitting comfortably in the ear. The Candler should check for a good seal between the ear and the Candlear. A good seal means there is no smoke leaking around the Candlear and the ear. 

The Recipient holds their hand flat on their cheek and holds the Candlear in place between their fingers. Hold it firmly but don’t squeeze too hard or the tip will collapse.

Let the Candlear burn down towards the blue mark. The candler should check that there is still no leaking smoke from around the ear, and stop any leak by giving the Candlear a gentle downward turn.

2. Blue Line: Swap for Second Candlear

When the flame reaches the blue mark, remove the Candlear from the ear, snuff out the flame and set it aside. Light a second Candlear and place it in the same ear, repeating the steps above. 

While the second Candlear burns, trim the first Candlear into a bowl of water, and clean out the ear-end with a wood skewer, being careful not to damage the Candlear.

3: Blue Line: Swap Back to First Candlear

When the second Candlear reaches the blue mark, remove it from the ear, snuff out the flame and set aside. Relight the first one, following the same steps as before. Trim and clean the second Candlear.

4. Red Line: Swap to Second Candlear

When the first Candlear reaches the red mark, remove it from the ear, snuff out the flame and discard. Never burn any Candlear below the red mark! Relight the second Candlear and place into same ear.

5. Red Line: Complete

When the second Candlear reaches the red mark, remove it from the ear, snuff out the flame and discard. This ear’s candlearing is complete.

 6. Repeat for Second Ear

  Repeat the steps with the second ear. It is recommended to always candle both ears as natural therapies are most effective       when balanced.

After Candlearing:

You should feel relaxed and refreshed with natural balance restored. 

Do Not Candlear If:

Do not candle if the recipient has had a recent ear, nose, throat or sinus surgery, or has tubes in their ears. Do not candle if there is any sign of ear infection, bleeding, pain or other ear discomfort, and or if being treated for any of these, unless recommended by your healthcare provider.

Do not candle if the recipient is not able to make a personal informed decision to use this product or 

if either the recipient or the candler is in any way uncomfortable or unsure of the process.

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